- releives stress/anxiety
- lowers bloodsugar/fat
- increases muscle and strength
- fertility and testosterone
- focus and memory
- heart health
Black Pepper
- antioxidants
- anti inflamatory
- brain benefits
- improve blood sugar control
- can lower cholesterol

Bacopa / Brahmi
- antioxidants
- reduces inflamation
- boost brain function
- can help reduce ADHD symptoms
- prevent anxiety/stress
- ower blood pressure
- possible anticancer properties
Black Tea
- Reduces the risk of stroke
- helps to lower blood cholesterol
- polyphenols (antioxidants) offer protection from several chronic diseases.

- antioxidants
- helps with digestive problems
- helps breath and cavities
- anti bacterial
- improved oxygen use
- lower blood sugar
Cardamom husk
- antioxidants
- helps with digestive problems
- helps breath and cavities
- anti bacterial
- improved oxygen use
- lower blood sugar(same as cardamom)

- improve insulin sensitivity
- antioxidants
Cinnamon (Sweet Ceylon)
- improve insulin sensitivity
- antioxidants
- reduce inflamation
- may reduce cholesterol
- provitamins

- antioxidant
- lower blood sugar
- heart + brain + gut health
- helps to fight infection
- soothing for skin
- antioxidant
- reduced ulcers
- liver health

- reduce menstrual pain
- lower blood sugar
- slowing osteoperosis
- reduce inflamation
- sleep and relaxation
- helps with cold symptoms
Dandelion Root (Raw)
- appetite stimulant
- improved digestion
- Improved liver and gallbladder function

- helps sinuses
- healthy blood supply
- anti inflamatory
- antioxidants
- anti inflamatory
- lessen stress
- protect heart
- fight cold and flu symptoms

Fennel Seed
- improves bad breath
- digestive health
- regulates blood pressure
- helps respitory system
Green Tea
- positively influence metabolism
- may help improve oral health

Ginger Root
- improved digestion
- improved immunity
- reduce menstrual pain
- releives nausea
- antioxidants
- fights inflammation
- lowers blood pressure
- lowers cholesterol
- weight loss
- liver health

- antioxidants
- improve bone health
- lower blood sugar
- improve sleep
- good for skin
- reduce pain
- reduce blood pressure and heart rate
- promote hair growth

- antioxidants
- relieves pain and swelling
- prevents growth of bacteria/yeast
- improves sugar/cholesterol levels
Lemon Myrtle
- antioxidants
- high calcium
- good for sinus
- stress releif
- improves sleep
- Gut health

Licorice Root
- aids with digestion
- anti-inflammatory
- soothes nausea/upset stomach
- antimicrobial
- antifungal
- anti-inflammatory
- works against cancer spread because of eugenol
- regulates thyroid hormones

- reduces symptoms of seasonal allergies
- reduces muscle spasms
- anti-inflammatory
Orange Peel
- increased metabolism

- relaxation
- improved sleep
- pain relief
Rhodiola Rosea
- decreases symptoms of stress/depression/fatigue
- improves exercise performace

Roasted Cacao shell
- source of iron
- magnesium
- zinc
- promotes healthy weight loss
- mood enhancer due to its endorphin releasing properties
- reduces anxiety
- aids digestion
- antioxidant
- antimicrobial
- anti-inflammatory
- high in Vitamin C

- supports healthy immune system
- antioxidant
- supports heart health
- promotes healthy skin and wound healing
- boosts brain health
- improves blood sugar levels

Schisandra Berry
- improves liver function
- raises energy
- antioxidant
- soothes nausea
- aids female hormone imbalances

- relief from high blood sugar
- increases brain function
- reduces symptoms of arthritis
Strawberry Leaf
- promotes good digestion

Stevia Leaf
- reduced calorie intake
- blood sugar levels
- risk of cavities
Tulsi (Rama)
- strengthens immune system
- reduces anxiety and stress
- improved skin and hair

- boosts immune system
- reduces cardiovascular issues
- protects against liver damage
Valerian Root
- Reduces
- menstrual
- cramps/headaches/migraines
- soothes anxiety